





     大家或許已經知道在十一月二十四日起,在尼泊爾約五十萬隻動物將會在連續兩天被宰殺祭祀的消息。(印度教Ghaddimai動物祭祀節日,每五年舉行一次)有位男性佛子寫信會舉行這動物宰殺祭祀的團體組織們,請求對方不要這麼作,但是他的請求被拒絕了。這個祭祀節日對於印度教來說是一個很重大的節日,而這位佛子想要到尼泊爾阻止這件事。我想除非他能夠展現神通力,要不然那邊的人不會聽信他。印度教的信徒不是只有一百或一千人,而是百千萬的信眾。……。現在不管事實是如何,他們會認為佛教徒在製造麻煩。我透過觀察,發現這位佛子沒有辦法阻止這件事。或許有些動物權益組織可以幫上忙,這一點也不確定。假如西方團體跟西方人,例如諾貝爾和平獎得主要求不要屠殺這些動物的話,或許會有幫助,但是會需要很多團體跟人的一起參與。 我也觀察到唸誦一百部金光明經會很好,所以我已經要求科槃寺派一些僧人到佛塔前唸誦金光明經,還有強烈地祈願這些動物不會被屠殺祭祀,當然也將誦經功德迴向世界和平。

     我想請各中心及弟子們一同唸誦金光明經,也請唸誦蓮花生大士除障祈願文,去除障礙以及迅速圓滿此願,讓五十萬隻動物不被屠殺祭祀。這件事要在十一月二十四號動物祭祀節日之前儘早完成。 為了去除阻止動物被屠殺祭祀的障礙,以及儘早實現此祈願,無論是幾遍,都請大家一起唸誦金光明經及蓮花生大士除障祈願文。       










    Dear Center Directors, students and friends,
    You might have heard the Nepal news about the 500,000 animals that are going to be sacrificed over two days on 24th November (Ghaddimai animal sacrifice festival, happens every five years in the terrai).

    The Buddha boy wrote to the organizers asking them not to do it but his request was rejected. It is a big Hindu festival and now the Buddha boy is thinking to go there and try to stop it. I think unless one has special powers to show, people will not listen. It is a big religion with not 100 or 1000 followers but millions. Now it seems to have become a problem in Nepal like the problem with shoes and the Hindus in Pashupati. Now probably no matter what the reality is they will think it is the Buddhists who are making problems.My observation shows that the Buddha boy won't be able to stop it. Possibly some animal rights organisations might be able to help, but it's not sure. If western organisations and people like Nobel Peace (laureates) ask, maybe could help, but it would need many.It came out good to read the Golden Light Sutra 100 times so i have asked Kopan gompa to send some monks to read it at the stupa and make strong prayers for the sacrifice not to happen, to dedicate like that and of course dedicate for world peace. You can find the Sutra in various languages here: http://www.fpmt.org/teacherszopa/advice/goldenlight.asp

    I would like to request the centers and students to read the Golden Light Sutra and recite the Padmasambhava prayer for removing obstacles and for quick success, for the sacrifice not to happen. This needs to be done quickly as the sacrifice is happening on 24th November. You can find the Padmasambhava prayer here: http://www.fpmt.org/teachers/zopa/advice/pdf/Padmasambava%20prayer%20to%20clear%20obstacles%20feb05km.pdf

    Please recite any number of the Golden Light Sutra and the Padmasambhava prayer for removing obstacles and for quick success.
    With much love and prayers,
    Lama Zopa
