梭巴仁波切:迴向天災 愛護動物


怙主上師 梭巴仁波切 九二一大地震後,梭巴仁波切 建議台灣的所有中心修持以下法門以避免地震造成的更多問題。


一、格西應每天持誦《南查南玾》( Nam tsa nan gya)和《查虛仁帕》(Tra shi tseg pa)。⋯⋯
二、弟子應盡力受持 大乘八關齋戒並迴向此處和其他地方不會再有其他天災。
三、盡力持誦 宗喀巴大師的上師相應真言( 密則瑪)和祈願文。
四、持誦 蓮師除障祈願文,仁波切 說此法非常具威力,最好早晚至少做三次以上。
五、持誦 金剛經和心經 以淨除惡業。
七、持誦 獅面空行母祈請文

四、持誦 地藏菩薩真言
七、藥師佛法會及 藥師咒
真言。依賴本尊,思惟本尊具有圓滿的力量,並為我們有情化現出不同的形相, 為了不同的目的,也為了有這種惡業的有情。

藥師佛法門 不只可以治病,對於成就及解決一切困難方面也非常有威力。藥師佛法門 對於亡者、家庭問題、生病的人,獲得安樂和解脫痛苦、找工作、事業成功等等都很有效。

大白傘蓋佛母 這本尊對於防護四大危害非常有威力,也可以佩帶本尊真言或法照在身邊,以強烈的信心和強烈的皈依心,觀想本尊放射出甘露雨。這甘露熄滅了火焰,淨除昆蟲的痛苦,和一切有情的惡業,使他們全數解脫。

梭巴仁波切 希望大家都能非常清楚,不要被「天災」這個字眼混淆。因為可能有人會誤解「天災」是指存在自然環境中 毫無「人為」因素的災難,大家必需了解的是,這些都是由眾生所造的共業導致的結果。這些災難並不是從它們自己那一方面毫無原因就發生的,它們展現為自然界的力量,卻是有情身語意業的果報。



(For English -- please read below)


今日10/4星期六是意大利阿西西的聖者 – 聖芳濟 – 的紀念日。聖芳濟非常愛護動物,是大家所公認的動物們的守護神。自1931年起,聖芳濟紀念日也成了世界動物日。


以下有一篇近日發表的短文“親愛的螞蟻” – 謹與各位分享。











附錄短文分享:《親愛的螞蟻 Darling Ants》

仁波切目前在澳洲東南部一個叫Bendigo的小鎮,在靠近慈悲大塔附近的Thubten Shedrup Ling男衆寺院帶領為期一個月的《入行論》閉關。



Dear Readers,
Today, Saturday, October 4, is the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. Since 1931 his day also commemorates World Animal Day. So please think of and make offerings to our friends in the animal realms. (Read below about Rinpoche's "darling ants" for an example.)
Not only is it World Animal Day, but starting this past Thursday, October 2, and continuing for 15 days in Nepal they have begun slaughtering 40,000+ goats, buffaloes, pigeons and ducks to appease Goddess Durga and provide meat for the Dashain festival. Slaughtering takes place especially throughout Kathmandu Valley. So please include these animals and humans involved in your dedications. http://www.ekantipur.com/…/40k-goats-to-be-brou…/267871.html

If you'd like to do more, you may consider making a donation to Enlightenment for the Dear Animals, an FPMT animal sanctuary located near Kopan Monastery in Kathmandu. http://www.enlightenmentforanimals.org

When in Nepal, it's often difficult for Lama Zopa Rinpoche to drive past a butcher shop with live animals. He makes the driver stop the car, purchase the live animals, and take them back to Kopan. As a result, Kopan and the nunnery had many animals on its premises, actually too many. Plus the animals were sickly and old. Geshe Sherab said the driver started taking a different route away from the butcher shops because the number of animals was becoming a problem for Kopan and the nunnery!
Then enter Tania Duratovic and and her husband, Phil Hunt. Photo below. They and Kopan volunteers have been caring for the poor animals, nursing them back to health, chanting prayers nearby for imprints and circumambulating them around Kopan's stupas. Still they needed more space so Tania and Phil took out a loan to buy land nearby for the animals. They had stupas built per Rinpoche's advice, quarantine rooms for sick animals to recuperate, a treatment room, a caretaker house for a Nepalese family, etc. built before moving the animals. http://fpmt.org/tag/enlightenment-for-the-dear-animals/
I've never met Westerners with such a deep commitment and passion for animals' better rebirth. Of course all this requires funding so any amount of donation sent will be wisely spent.
For another of Rinpoche's heartwarming animal stories from just yesterday, please continue reading…
With much appreciation,
Doc O'Connor


Lama Zopa Rinpoche has been staying at Thubten Shedrup Ling Monastery very near the Great Stupa of Universal Compassion while leading the Bodhicaryavatara and Rinjung Gyatsa retreat.
Ven. Holly Ansett, who is at the retreat, recently reported, “A few nights ago when walking back from the stupa in the evening, one ant was mistakenly injured on the path. Rinpoche spent about 10 minutes reciting mantras and blowing on the ant. When he got back to the room, Rinpoche was visibly upset about the ant, requesting that immediately four stupas be made and dedicated for the ant. So we requested Ven. Anet, the nun at Kachoe Dechen Ling in California who makes tsa-tsas, to immediately make the stupas and fill them with the four dharmayaka relic mantras and dedicate that for the ant.
Then before dinner, Rinpoche recited ‘A Prayer for the Beginning, Middle, and End of Practice’ by Je Tsongkhapa, which is a prayer to meet Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings, and dedicated for the ant.
“This evening,” Ven. Holly continued, “Rinpoche called out ‘darling ant’ every time he encountered an ant on the path to indicate to others to be careful not to tread on the ant. So all the way up to the monastery, Rinpoche was yelling out ‘darling ant.’ It was extremely precious and sweet.”